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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Small Teachings: Don't look at the situation

My dad teaches a faith clinic each week on Thursday nights. One of the messages he gave us a couple months ago stemmed around understanding that God is bigger than the situation at hand. 

Often times, we waver in faith when things start to look tough. I am learning that looks can be deceiving.
In fact, I am learning that keeping my focus on the prize (Jesus) and my mind and soul in the right place, makes it so much easier to ignore what the situation looks like. I haven't always thought this way, I've told you before I used to be the biggest worry wart. I now know it got me nowhere, and in fact I was worse off with a headache of worry. 
Understanding that God's word tells us that ALL things work together for my good because I love and follow Christ, makes me put the load on Him! Yes, ALL things. I talk to God all the time and remind Him of His word:

"Ok, Jesus, I know what it looks like, but you said ALL things work together for my good - so I am trusting you to work out your plan for my good!"

What a great opportunity to give your stresses up to the Lord! 
He will take them with open arms. 
How great is our God!

Hoping this encourages you to enjoy your Thursday!


  1. Love that verse, it took me a while to understand that all things can include rough and bad situations x

  2. I needed this reminder today. Thanks!

  3. I meditate on this verse a lot and sometimes even though I do that, I do worry about the situation, but once I really let this get into my spirit, I know that I have victory.

  4. I needed to read this. -serena


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