Monday, September 15, 2014

All Things Baby Grace: Happy 8 Months!

Happy Monday!

This weekend was nice! I got to spend some time with family and women from my church at our breakfast on Saturday. It ended up being a beautiful time and we enjoyed ourselves. The rest of the weekend was pretty lazy, which was definitely due. I got to spend a lot of QT with baby Grace. My sweet girl is growing so fast! Tomorrow she will be 8 months and I literally cannot believe it. Here are a few photos I took of her this weekend at the women's breakfast. She is becoming such a ham!

Baby Grace - 

You are becoming such a big girl. Eyes wide, ready to take in the world and everything around you. It's hard not to smile, when your face is the first thing I see every morning - you like to wake us up pretty early! You also think its important to give us a good smack if we dose off while on duty.  You are not in love with baby food, in fact its like you have a detector. However, you like anything that's not baby food! You love mashed potatoes and will try most things once (literally 1 bite) and then pucker your lips up if you don't like it. or want anymore. You haven't had any teeth come through yet, but you are trying. We see two middle teeth coming in on the bottom. Teething has gotten difficult for some parts of the day, as you are a bit moody, but as soon as you feel a little better you are ready to play!

Speaking of playing, you no longer cuddle with all the stuffed animals or soft friends like you used to (I miss that!). You now love your linky toys and pretty much anything that's colorful and that you can put in your mouth. You love bouncing in your jump-a-roo and get a great workout in there, often sweating when its time to come out! LOL! You are not fully crawling yet, you would rather roll and pull yourself up onto things. You get frustrated easily and often give up, but we make you keep pushing some days. You are finding ways to put just about anything in your mouth, and love to put your pacifier in upside down :) 

You are very vocal and yesterday at church I asked one of the little girls if she knew what you were saying. She said you were talking about cake, which would make absolute sense, since you love to try and eat people - I wonder what flavor of cake you think we are! LOL! Its so fun watching you play with other kids, you love them. Big kids like your big cousin DD (age 6) and your friends at church (age 4). You love to grab their faces and give them kisses. Your face lights up when you see them, it melts my heart. 

I can remember when I first met you and to see you today is truly amazing. You used to live inside of me and were a part of me, and still are. I would have never guessed the amount of joy you would bring to my life. Although, at times it can be overwhelming and challenging - especially with mommy's new projects. Please keep the glow in your eye when you see me, daddy, grandma and your auntie Nina. Something so small like that makes it all worth it. 

I love you!


- J

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  1. Aw that is so sweet!! So beautiful! My goodness, I can't believe how fast she is growing. It's funny that when we were kids, it seemed forever to grow up, but in reality, we grow up so fast. For one thing it is good it seems forever to grow up so children can enjoy more of their childhood as much as they can.

    Thank you for sharing those precious moments with your daughter with us. ❤️

  2. She is so beautiful! Time is really flying by so fast!

  3. My tinkabutt!! It is soo amazing to watch my niece grow and have so much personality.

  4. Aww such a munchkin! She loves her Godmother, too! :) :) hehe

  5. It's crazy how big she is now! I like your take on growing up
    Thanks Hilda! :)

  6. I love the Gold Leaf Hair Decor thingy -- it's beautiful. I've never seen a Christ based accessory store before, and its really nice (:

  7. I like both of the Tribal Print Cross Bracelets, but the chevron one is my favorite.

  8. Aww, you are so welcome! :) ❤️

  9. I love the bangles!

  10. Oh my goodness, why is she so ADORABLE?!

  11. Thanks, Rachel! She's a doll. I can't take it sometimes!

  12. Hi I am so in love with the cross bracelet. It is really beautiful!

  13. i like the "believe" necklace

  14. (Taj Kingston) I love the Tribal Print bracelet!

  15. I'm a sucker for bangles! Good luck!

  16. They happen to be my favorite accesories!

  17. She's so cute! She looks like a really happy baby!


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