Wednesday, August 27, 2014

His Way +

Happy Hump Day!

I am happy the middle of the week is here. My weeks have been flying by so fast as of recent. Summer is fading out and fall slowly showing its face. Sometimes that in between stage between seasons can be uncomfortable.

Right now, I am in a place where I am uncomfortable. I have been given a lot of roles over the past year that are new to me. Follower of Christ, Wife, Mother, Online Specialist, all things that were new to me when I came into them. Lately I have been feeling like I am trying to juggle being the best in each of these things. Everyday I struggle with waking up early enough and overall finding time to get it all done.

I feel like I need to take control of things in my life. But I am learning that what that means is giving back the reigns to Jesus and following His will.

I can see that I have been talking about what "I" am struggling with, what "I" have been trying to do, and I realized yesterday and this morning that without Him "I" cannot do it. 

I need Him, completely. 

I am happy that He has allowed me to be able to walk in His will for me, even though at times it can get lonely. I don't exactly operate the way I used to because there is something inside me that has changed.

 I have finally felt purpose for my life. Jesus gave that to me. And the things I used to do for fun are not as meaningful to me anymore.

I have been in a place of discomfort and I think that's where Jesus wants me to be right now, so that I can look to Him and say, "I'm tired of trying to do your will - my way, I will do it your way now." 

I am crying out today to do it His way. Sometimes that is the hardest thing for us to come to terms with, being honest with ourselves about possibly being the hindrance to our future.

We've been born with a yearning inside of us to do, and be, and accomplish. But will we do what it takes to get it done? That's an honest question I had to ask myself. Its so easy to get comfortable. You know your favorite spot on the couch, it has an indentation where you sit and the pillow and blanket fit and feel so perfect in that spot. Anything else just feels odd. New always feel well, new. 

Its unknown, un-walked territory. 

But we don't have to try and walk it alone, in fact Christ will show us the way to go.

What I have realized is that all of these new roles that I have been given over the past year felt odd. They felt unknown to me. But when others saw me, they saw success. They saw a light in my life, something new, something real, something exciting. Sometimes good things don't always look to you the way they do to those on the outside.

White Blazer - c/o
Heather Grey Top - Cotton On
Dark Denim Skinny's - F21
Black Cut Out Wedges - Lucky Brand; Macy's
Gun Metal Statement Necklace - Len Druskin

I know that walking with Him will get me the best outcome. It will protect me and preserve me.  
(Psalm 121:7)
I am ready to do things your way.

On a different note - I love the fit and how lightweight this blazer is from I am thinking of ways to transition it into a fall wardrobe. Have you ever transitioned a white piece into fall? Even with all the backlash of 'no white after labor day'? Leave me your favorite ways to do this!

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  1. I know that exact feeling! I have definitely been in a season of being uncomfortable but it is definitely "training" me to lose the control and let Jesus take the wheel!

  2. That's a gorgeous blazer indeed! I love how you styled it :)

    By the way, I just updated my blog with a new post. I’d love for you to swing by:

  3. I definitely know how you feel!!! :) Everything will fall into place in due time though!

  4. I really needed to read this today. You look great, the white looks great on the grey.

  5. Loving that blazer and you paired it perfectly for this look! FAbulous!

  6. You look great. Love the blazer. Thanks for linking up for Stylish Saturday. xo ~ The Fashionista Momma

  7. I usually don't wear white after Labor day, although it seems a lot of people are starting to these days!! I have a white blazer similar to yours that I love! This is a great post, love all of your words and that bible verse is just what I needed to hear! Life can be so darn busy!


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